Objectives behind rolling out the brand factory include:

  1. Bringing TCG Digital brand consistency and standardization across various assets, collaterals, and market touchpoints
  2. Building a robust self-servicing portal for the brand - empowering TCG Digital GTM folks with the right ‘house of master files’
  3. Facilitating and adding value to our journey towards an anywhere-anytime agile organization
  4. Addressing the ad-hoc approach seamlessly going forward

Marketing Ticketing System

Let’s make ad-hoc a thing of the past. Embrace the marketing ticketing system, follow the SLAs and let’s work together with mutual commitment.


Brand Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with the core brand elements so that you can present and communicate effectively. Download the branding guidelines.

Corporate font face

Typography builds brand recognition and is important for our brand. Download the primary and secondary font faces from the adjacent links.

Color Palette ( Originating from Logo)

Primary Color

Building a successful brand means understanding what you want your company to convey to your customers, shareholders, and investors. Our color palette is made up of the colors of our brand/logo elements. When using the colors in print, it is important always to use solid CMYK links. This way, all our materials will be consistent, and will look vibrant. The RGB version can be used for digital media.


C=71, M=28, Y=0, K=0

R=52, G=152, B=219

Hexa #3498db


C=84, M=59, Y=0, K=0

R=1, G=106, B=214

Hexa #016ad6


C=95, M=71, Y=1, K=0

R=12, G=89, B=169

Hexa #0c59a9


C=100, M=99, Y=23, K=17

R=25, G=25, B=112

Hexa #191970

Secondary Color

When choosing a color, consider the most appropriate options from the palette to compliment your chosen image.


C=6, M=21, Y=100, K=0

R=241, G=196, B=15

Hexa #f1c40f


C=2, M=44, Y=100, K=0

R=243, G=156, B=18

Hexa #f39c12


  • A logo is the most visible element of a brand’s identity; a universal signature across all communications.
  • Our logo is a simple, graphic statement. We use the same version in print, on screen, and on the side of our buildings.
  • Click on the link below to download several versions of our logo.

Presentation Template

Presentations / Decks

Marketing Presentation speak volumes about a business and help build credibility. As you educate prospects, communicate consistently and compellingly by making use of our collection of templates. Click on the button below to download the presentation based on your need.

TCG Digital Template


tcgmcube Template


Brochure & Whitepaper Template

Brochure & Whitepaper Samples

Branded stationery can help a business to build a strong brand identity. Display your messages with accountability and authority and speak everything under the company’s banner. This will ensure that you stand out from the rest. Click on the button below to access TCG Digital’s business stationery.

TCG Digital Sample Template Brochure
Whitepaper Template


Merchandise” here refers to tangible items that help create customer awareness and loyalty. Use our branded merchandise in case of sponsorships and promotions. Click on the button below to access TCG Digital’s branded items that also have high usability and perceived value.